Chief Sucks-at-faces.
"Notes" from Physics lecture. My faces are so freaking bad.
Heap big Chinese test tonight. I can remember the Pinyin, it's the characters I have trouble with.
Working on a 'tree skirt'. Yeah. The fashion department does it every year. Every student in the sophomore class picks a tree in Maymont Park and designs a skirt for it, so for a week, all the trees are wearing skirts. It's pretty hilarious. Maymont loves it. They get news coverage and everything. I'm making a tree bride, or, Entwife, if you prefer. She has a big train and a veil. Sadly, she has no groom. It will be a very depressing wedding. Pictures next week.
The illustration of the Asian kids makes me laugh.
1 stitches:
I'm really excited to see your tree-dress. And that's the truth.
(I recognize Allison's shoes, at least!)
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